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  • 6.5 Safety plans for schools | RVTS Guide for schools

    SAFETY PLANS FOR SCHOOLS Safety measures are measures necessary to prevent repeated harmful behaviour, and which create a feeling of safety for the parties involved. The safety plan should cover areas with risk of repeated behaviour and contain comprehensive steps to ensure a safe school environment for everyone. The measures should be customized to the individual pupil; their age, the severity of their actions, and the current conditions of their school. ​ You need to be specific and concise when writing up measures, before integrate them into a plan conveying when and how the measures are to be implemented, and who is responsible for it happening. (See appendix “Safety plan”.) ​ The degree of supervision should continually be assessed, as pupils can find it stigmatizing to be closely supervised, and the child in question may feel alienated and exposed. This can also affect the child’s developing social competence, since they can’t interact with their classmates as usual. The fear of repeated sexual violations must not result in safety measures contradicting the Act of Education, for instance denying school entrance to pupils. ​ Safety measures requiring an increase in manpower are to be sent to the agency in charge to ensure execution and support. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 6.5 Safety plans for schools RVTS Mid 00:00 / 01:24

  • 1.6 Duty to inform and duty to report | RVTS Guide for schools

    DUTY TO INFORM AND DUTY TO REPORT You have a duty to provide information if the Child Welfare Service requests information about a case wherein they suspect neglect, physical abuse, sexual assault etc. (the Education Act Section 15-3 and the Kindergarten Act Section 22). ​ The duty to report is essentially the same as the duty to provide information, with the key difference of it being YOUR responsibility to report it if you suspect neglect or assault. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 1.6 Duty to inform and duty to report RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:35

  • 6.3 How to structure a consultation | RVTS Guide for schools

    HOW TO STRUCTURE A CONSULTATION Let everyone around the table introduce themselves, summarize what has happened, previous contact, and implemented measures from every agency. Make concerns known. Discuss freely: “What is best for the child/adolescent”? What can my agency do for the child/adolescent? Draw up a safety plan for different arenas (school, home, spare time) Divide responsibilities and tasks between the agencies The person in charge of the meeting is responsible for calling a follow-up meeting – within 3 weeks usually – to ensure everyone has done their part, and discuss the road ahead. It is important that guardians are involved in the multidisciplinary cooperative work. Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 6.3 How to structure a consultation RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:53 «Disclosure of harmful sexual behaviour requires immediate reaction from adults.» RVTS Guide for schools Listen to a read-aloud version of the reflection 6.3 On the Consultation – a reflection RVTS Mid 00:00 / 02:01 In this recording you will hear Helle Kleive, psychology specialist at Resource unit V27/Betanien Bergen, speak more about Consultations. Listen to a read-aloud version of the reflection A Consultation is a meeting between every authority responsible for – or who should be responsible for – the young adult or child displaying inappropriate sexual behaviour. The point is for everyone to come together and make a plan of action. What do we do with 15-year-old Ole after he has displayed problematic sexual behaviour? The Consultation is clearly structured into 4 bullet points, as its goal is to prevent the chaos that often occurs in these situations. Number 1 says to do an introduction of every authority present, and give an update on the case. What is known about the case, about Ole, which measures have been implemented, what are the concerns – put everything on the table. It is also incredibly important to let everyone around the table speak without interruption. Let them disclose what they know about the case. When everyone at the table has spoken and the severity of the situation is known, it’s time for bullet point number 2: what is best for Ole? Without being required to do anything or say “now you do this things, and you do that”, just discuss what is the best course of action for the child. Bullet point number 3 is: what does my agency offer, and what can and will I contribute in this case. This way the workload is distributed somewhat. Point 4 is finding a time and place to hold the next meeting. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Illustration: Jens A. Larsen Aas

  • 6.6 Caring for the victim | RVTS Guide for schools

    CARING FOR THE VICTIM A child or young person who has been exposed to harmful sexual behaviour has lost a piece of themselves and needs help to reclaim their safety. Assure the child/adolescent by telling them you are there to care for and help them. Listen to the child and let them lead the conversation. Ask open questions and document questions and answers. Include a professional, e.g. the school nurse or BUP. Keep the child informed of what is happening. Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 6.6 Caring for the victim RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:32 Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse

  • 2. Normal sexual behaviour | RVTS Guide for schools

    2. NORMAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR Healthy and normal sexual behaviour is spontaneous, curious and pleasurable. The behaviour should be reciprocated and equal in age, size, maturity and cognitive functioning. ​ Sexuality is part of being human, and is in development from you are born, until you die. The sexuality of children is characterized by curiosity and exploration, and can not be compared with the sexuality of adults. Children express their sexuality in many ways; through language and touch, exploration of their own or someone else’s body, sexual activity, play and interplay. ​ In this chapter you will find measures which promote healthy, sexual behaviour, a video lecture by Oddfrid Skorpe on the subject “Sexual joy and achievement”, audio reflections by psychology specialist Steinar Hvål on adults and their responsibilities in children’s sexual development, and a reflection around teachers’ and pupils’ sexualities. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse PAGES IN THIS CHAPTER SEXUAL JOY AND MASTERY SEXUAL PLAYING KNOWLEDGE AND SAFETY GENDER AWARENESS ORIENTATION MEASURES WHICH PROMOTE HEALTHY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT – PART 1 MEASURES WHICH PROMOTE HEALTHY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT – PART 2 MEASURES WHICH PROMOTE HEALTHY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT – PART 3 MEASURES WHICH PROMOTE HEALTHY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT – PART 4 SUBJECT-RELATED QUESTIONS

  • 5.8 Skadelig seksuell atferd på nett og mobil | RVTS Guide for schools

    HARMFUL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR ONLINE There has been an increase in harmful sexual behaviour on the internet and mobile phones. This can include sending hurtful, uncomfortable or threatening sexual comments, sending or requesting sexualized photos and nude photos, and downloading, storing and sharing depictions of assault against – or sexualized photos of – children. ​ Preventing sexual violations and assault on the internet cannot be done by IT-security and censoring alone, and must also be addressed in education about sexuality, pornography and netiquette. The National Criminal Investigation Service recommend teaching children and young people to take a screenshot of their phone and give the photo to the Police. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Illustration: Jens A. Larsen Aas Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 5.8 Harmful sexual behaviour online RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:48

  • 4.6 Summary | RVTS Guide for schools

    SUMMARY To determine whether behaviour is problematic or not you need to gather information about the event and discuss with colleagues and management, but most importantly: discuss with professionals. The Traffic Light is also a good tool to use in the assessment. ​ Make sure the school looks after all the children and persons affected throughout this investigation phase. Create an environment in which the pupil can recount their experiences, and opportunities to be closer to the pupil. Inform the pupil of what is going on. Illustration: Jens A. Larsen Aas RESSURSER Website: Statens Barnehus Statens barnehus is among other things, a resource for children and youth that may have been exposed to, or been witness to violence or sexual abuse, in cases where a police report has been made. Website: REBESSA Rebessa is a regional resource team within the subject area of children and youth with problematic or harmful sexual behaviour. Website: Betanien Sykehus Web page with information about resource unit V27 at Betanien, Bergen. Website: RVTS Regional resource centers for violence, traumatic stress and suicide prevention (RVTS) is a resource for everyone that works with people affected by violence and sexual abuse, traumatic stress, migration or issues regarding suicide problems. Website: Snakke med barn A website providing you tools and methods on how to talk to children of different ages and life situations. Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 4.6 Summary RVTS Mid 00:00 / 01:01 Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse DISCUSS THE CASE ANONYMOUSLY IN A PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENT! NEVER BE ALONE WITH YOUR CONCERNS! PROFESSIONALS TO CONSULT: Statens barnehus (Children’s Advocacy Center) RVTS Rebessa Resource unit V27 Betanien Bergen

  • 4.4 Working with sexually degrading language, attitudes and bad culture in a classroom environment | RVTS Guide for schools

    WORKING WITH SEXUALLY DEGRADING LANGUAGE, ATTITUDES AND BAD CULTURE IN A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Using genital words, degrading language, and sexual orientation jeeringly creates an unhealthy classroom environment. Some may feel excluded and harassed, or the slang could be adapted and accepted as normal. Both have negative consequences for building respect and the correct attitude toward each other. This use of language can, in many cases, lead to physical touches that cross personal boundaries, for instance feeling up breasts, slapping the butt, etc. ​ It is important to have a common understanding of this and how to manage it between the staff. Ensuring the parents and pupils have the same understanding needs to be worked on over time. ​ Other professional advice: ​ Teach boys and girls separately. A male teacher should talk to the boys to avoid accusations of “feminist propaganda” or “prudishness”. Be aware that not everyone will feel exposed or shy by the behvaiour discussed. This should all be in addition to combined lectures where the goal is a common understanding of the subject and obligation to behave properly. Give the class a common understanding of the subject, discuss “how do we want our class to be” and make a set of rules for use of language and physical touching. Hold a parent-teacher conference for all parents and inform them of how you have approached the subject in class, and what rules for use of language and physical touching the pupils have compiled. Encourage the parents to also focus on the subject at home. Contact other agencies for cooperation, e.g. the Child Welfare Service for counselling and assessment of the class environment, and the Educational Psychological Counselling Service (PPT) for assessment of pupils and work with systemic change. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 4.4 Working with sexually degrading.... RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:50

  • 6. Managing harmful sexual behaviour | RVTS Guide for schools

    6. MANAGING HARMFUL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR If harmful sexual behaviour is discovered at school, it is important to have routines on what the staff should do and who to contact. ​ It is necessary for both the school and cooperating agencies that every role is clearly defined. Close interagency cooperation between the school and relevant agencies are crucial to ensure pupils displaying harmful sexual behaviour receive the help they need. ​ In this chapter you will get insight into routines for interagency cooperation, and an audio-recorded reflection on the importance of Consultations by psychology specialist Helle Kleive. There are also video interviews with representatives from several agencies; Else Baardsgaard from the children and family services in Trondheim municipality, Øystein Wammer-Pettersen from Statens barnehus in Trondheim, Tina Sæther from BUP and Jonas Overgaard from Bufetat. Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse PAGES IN THIS CHAPTER ROUTINES FOR INTERAGENCY COOPERATION IN CASES WITH HARMFUL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR CONSULTATION HOW TO STRUCTURE A CONSULTATION HOW TO STRUCTURE A CONSULTATION – ROLES SAFETY PLANS FOR SCHOOLS CARING FOR THE VICTIM CARING FOR THE CHILD OR ADOLESCENT DISPLAYING HARMFUL SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR SUBJECT-RELATED QUESTIONS

  • 3.5 Early efforts | RVTS Guide for schools

    EARLY EFFORTS Early efforts are about providing help as early as possible, and implement measures for a pupil the moment it is needed. Correcting unfortunate developmental patterns early will help the child to sexual joy and achievement as well as prevent violations of others. Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 3.5 Early efforts RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:19 Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse

  • 1. Professional understanding of children’s development | RVTS Guide for schools

    1. PROFESSIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT New research has shown that proper care stimulates children’s development, while bad experiences and trauma can lead to delayed or skewed development. ​ In this chapter you will see a video lecture on “the triune brain”, a video lecture on safety, relations and regulation, and a reflection on class leadership and theoretical subject matter – all available in both text and audio form. PAGES IN THIS CHAPTER THE TRIUNE BRAIN SAFETY, RELATIONS AND REGULATION SEXUALITY IN SCHOOL INTERAGENCY COOPERATION DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY DUTY TO INFORM AND DUTY TO REPORT DUTY TO AVERT A CRIMINAL OFFENCE Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse

  • 5.7 Report and investigate | RVTS Guide for schools

    REPORT AND INVESTIGATE The sexual acts may be illegal and require police investigation, but the children still need much help in multiple areas. Several services and agencies then have to assist in the effort. If you are in doubt about filing a report you can contact Statens barnehus, the Child Welfare Service or the Police. Different ways to interpret problematic and harmful sexual behaviour (not exclusive) Reaction to own trauma Lack of social skills Impulsivity Loneliness, depression Difficulties regulating emotions Learning difficulties and neurological issues Difficulties forming connections Wanting attention Lacking in knowledge of sexuality, laws and regulations Curiosity and sexual arousal In need of supervision and safety Previous Next Innholdsfortegnelse Listen to a read-aloud version of the text on this page 5.7 Report and investigate RVTS Mid 00:00 / 00:58

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