This guide is structured after the principles of the Traffic Light where sexual behaviour is divided into green, yellow and red behaviour, corresponding with healthy, problematic and harmful sexual behaviour. It can sometimes be difficult, for both the child inflicting harm and the child being harmed, to differentiate between healthy sexual fun, and problematic and harmful sexual behaviour.
New research has shown that proper care stimulates children’s development, while bad experiences and trauma can lead to delayed or skewed development.
7 pages - around 1 hour
Healthy and normal sexual behaviour is spontaneous, curious and pleasurable. The behaviour should be reciprocated and equal in age, size, maturity and cognitive functioning.
19 pages - around 2 hours
Problematic or harmful sexual behaviour is what we consider unhealthy. This is behaviour with concerning intensity and frequency, or behaviour which does not correlate to the appropriate age- or developmental maturity. It can also be a discrepancy in dominance by one party behaving threateningly or attempting to coerce (by offering clothes or candy, for instance) the other party into joining sexual games.
6 pages - around 1 hour
If any of the school staff suspects a pupil of displaying problematic or harmful sexual behaviour, they should bring this to someone’s attention right away. The concerns often begin with vague gut feelings and uncertainty about the violating behaviour. Discuss your worries with professionals as early as possible, so the correct measures can be speedily implemented at the school.
14 pages - around 30 minutes
Harmful sexual behaviour is harmful both to the child exposed to it and the child inflicting it, and requires an immediate response from adults.
8 pages - around 1 hour